Robotics and Vision in Medicine Lab

We develop micro-surgical robotic systems and multi-sensory guidance algorithms to achieve impossible interventions deep inside the human body

About us

The mission of the Robotics and Vision in Medicine (RViM) Lab is to develop image-guided micro-precise instruments that deliver regenerative therapies deep into the human body.

We are with the Dep. Surgical and Interventional Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King’s College London.

Feel free to contact us for open PhD and post-doc positions. We are happy to support candidates to apply for fellowships to work within our group [Fellowships by the EPSRC, Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society (e.g. Newton International Fellowships), The Wellcome Trust, the Leverhulme Trust, and the European Union (MSC actions)].

If you are interested in a Ph.D. in Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Interventions, make sure you pay close attention to the deadlines of the Medical Image Computing CDT. Also, be aware that King’s offers excellent scholarship opportunities for UK/EU and overseas students.

Contact us at:



Python - Deep learning for OCT-A vessel segmentation

This repository contains a tensorflow implementation of deep convolutional networks used for vessel segmentation in OCT-A images.

Representative Publications

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Autonomous steering of concentric tube robots via nonlinear model predictive control
Deep iterative vessel segmentation in OCT angiography
Deep learning-based segmentation and quantification of retinal capillary non-perfusion on ultra-wide-field retinal fluorescein angiography

Meet the Team

Principal Investigator


Christos Bergeles

Reader of Surgical Robotics

Surgical Robotic Systems, Interventional Visual Servoing, Robot Modelling and Control

PostDoc Researchers


Carlo A. Seneci

Techanical Operation Manager

Surgical Robotics, Manufacturing & Medical Devices Design, Laboratory Management


Christopher E. Mower

Research Associate

Robotic surgery, Human-robot collaboration, Imitation learning, Shared autonomy


Patrice Lambert

Research Fellow

Haptic Devices, Parallel Robots, Robot Design and Optimsation, Cable-Driven Robots


S.M.Hadi Sadati

CME Research Fellow

Continuum Manipulators, Soft Robotics, Variable Stiffness Structures, Medical Robotics, Bioinspiration, Morphological Contribution, System Dynamics, Planning & Automation, Mechatronic Design.

PhD Students


Anestis Mablekos-Alexiou

PhD Student

Robotics, Prosthetics, Mechanical Design


Brandon Saldarriaga

PhD Student

Mechanical and Hardware Design, Systems modelling & Control


Claudio Ravasio

PhD Student/ Research Assistant

Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Augmented Reality


Gongyu Zhang

PhD Student

Data Science, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Medical Imaging


Hans Natalius

PhD Student

Mechanical Design & Manufacture


Harris Komninos

PhD Student

Deep Learning, Computer Vision


Henry Ross

Phd Student/ Research Assistant


Jeremy Birch

PhD Student

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Sensors and embedded systems


Lingyun Zeng

PhD Student

Dynamic System Modelling and Control, Robot Modelling and Control, Force Sensing and Control


Martin Huber

PhD Student/Research Assistant

Robotic Control, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Imaging


Theodoros Pissas

PhD student / Research Assistant

Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Multimodal Medical Image Registration


Zicong Wu

PhD Student

Surgical Robotics, Force/Shape Sensing & Control


Zisos Mitros

PhD Student

Mechanical Design & Manufacture, Dynamic Systems modelling & Control

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